- Patrick: Propose / establish scope of responsibilities of RC
- Plan and execute races
- Race day membership enforcement
- Race Day Events
- Pre-Race Breakfast (Optional)
- Depending on volunteers
- Generated a lot of cash for the club last year
- Organize Post-Race BBQ
- Required
- Pre-Race Breakfast (Optional)
- Outreach
- Crew Clinics
- Set local sailboat handicaps
- Plan and execute races
- Patrick: RC internal website page
- Single source of truth for scope, inventory, plans.
- Google drive?
- Liam, Patrick: Crew Clinics
- Lake Hood Gym: $25?
- Patrick: RC race planning guidelines
- Schedule race planning meeting after previous race
- One week out? Good for ideas, but person plans often change.
- Day of? Used to just occur at “skippers” meeting morning.
- Current all-inclusive meetings is good for skipper / crew education
- Only plan what someone signs / is responsible for
- Avoid race day thrashing
- Schedule race planning meeting after previous race
- Patrick, Gary, Sam: Race gear inventory
- Have Marty’s inventory
- Liam: Outreach
- Patrick: Plan for post-race BBQ’s, skippers’ sign up sheet
- Patrick: RC public race pages, goal for updating, etc.
- Gary: Idea for automated timing
- Committee Boat
- Dan
- Enforcing race-day membership
- White Sails
- Destination race?
- Add Cruising fleet
- Add 1 destination race (new skippers’ interest)
Action Items
- Patrick: Post-race BBQ skipper sign-up sheet
- Patrick: Race scoring details
- Crew Clinics
- Kate: Make sure LHE gym can work
- Kate: Flyer
- Liam: Confirm March 4
- Liam: Create WHSYC Facebook event
- Everyone: Spread FB Event
- Everyone: Plan CC content over email
- Outreach – Social media, ADN, WHSYC page, ADP, meetup page?